I had signed up for a weekend workshop with Christina Debarry this weekend. There were only 5 enrolled in the class. But 2 dropped out at the last minute, and 1 just never showed up. So there were only 2 of us in the class! Wow, it was like having your own private workshop. The other woman had never done any pastels before. But we started out with a still life - and lo and behold it was my old friend the copper pot from Wednesday night class.

But this time we had some fruit added to the comp. Christina just let me work at my own pace while she went over a lot of pastel basics with the other woman. But it was interesting to listen in as I worked. So this was what I managed for the beginning of the class, though I got interrupted a few times - first with a trip to the dentist for an abcessed tooth and second with a call from work, so I didn't get quite as much time with this as I would have liked.
NOTE: This painting has been sold!
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