Monday, September 08, 2008

Point Pleasant

I love pics of the ocean, seashore, boats, etc. They just call to my spirit somehow, but it's not something I'm good at producing myself, Water, especially, just terrifies me and seems impossible. But I've been inspired lately by a few paintings posted by Joni from Wetcanvas, and wanted to give it a whirl. I'll never get anywhere with painting water if I never try to paint any, right?

So this is done from a ref. photo I took about a year ago when I was down in Point Pleasant, NJ. I spent a couple hours on it this afternoon. I'm still quite a novice at this sort of painting, but I did have fun doing it, and each time I work on water I hope I'll learn something.


  1. Lovely painting of a boat and a dock. When I think of Point Pleasant, I think of the kiddy rides, the arcade, and the crowds of people on the boardwalk.

    I found a good way to paint water is to copy Winslow Homer paintings. Try John Singer Sargent as well.

  2. This looks just charming to me! and Pt Pleasant!! Memories!! ;))

    oh, Leora is so right--I love the works by Homer and Sargent of water images...sigh.

  3. Oh Leora is an artist too Deb. Check out her blog. I like this and I love anything to do with water...
