Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Marina - workshop day three

Wow, I'm still so behind here with my blog, so much to post. But I'll finish up with my last day of the Kathleen Galligan workshop in February. Our last day we met at a marina in downtown St. Augustine. It was a gray day, and I kept running in and out of rain showers all the way over there from home.

So at the marina we didn't know what to expect. I decided to set up underneath the cover of the picnic area so that even if it began to rain I'd be protected and still able to paint. So once I again I found myself in the usual position of finding a comfy place to set up, and then seeing what I could paint from that position - rather than finding something I wanted to paint and then setting up. That just never works for me. It's alway "too" something - too hot, too sunny, too buggy, etc. 

Anyway the picnic area faced out over the dock, and a couple boats docked there, and the above is what I ended up painting. Usual 9x12 Art Spectrum, which is a size that works well for plein air. 

But while it stayed gray all day it never did rain at the marina. And it was pleasantly cool, and I saw a lot of amazing birds. So all in all a fun day to end the workshop with.

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